Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Linux Locate Command With Example

:->> The locate command is usually the simplest and fastest way to find or search the locations of files and directories on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.
NOTE:-   First of all Update the DataBase (Using the command updatedb )

The basic syntax for locate command is:-
#locate [options] name  (searching)

1  [root@station110 ~]# locate vinod
Output is :-

2  [root@station110 ~]# locate vinod.txt (it will locate vinod.txt file get into the system)
output :-   /root/vinod.txt

3  [root@station110 ~]# locate httpd.conf    (locate the configuration file path of httpd.conf)

4 [root@station110 ~]# locate tpvmlp.conf  (locate the all path of tpvmlp.conf )

5 -Find(Locate) ignore-case (not a case sensitive)
[root@station110 ~]# locate htTpd.conf
[root@station110 ~]# locate -i htTpd.conf

6 -Using Limit to Locate the output file
[root@station110 ~]# locate -l 3 conf (it search 3 conf file it can be 30 , 100 etc.)

7 -Find(Locate) file with full information related to it
[root@station110 ~]# locate httpd.conf | xargs ls -lah
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 34K Feb  7  2012 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

8 -Find(Locate) 3 (.html) file
[root@station110 ~]# locate -n 3 "*.html"
[root@station110 ~]# locate ".*html" | less
[root@station110 ~]# locate -n 2 "*.png" -q (The -q option is used to suppress error messages)


Both find and locate are useful commands in system administration. Both these commands can be used to search for data:
 find searches within the real system. Is slower however forever up-to-date and has a lots    of options (size, modification time,...)

 locate uses a previously built database (command updatedb). Is much faster, but uses an 'older' database and searches only names or parts of them.

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